When we put in our sprinkler system we maxed out our timer system at 16. So the only option for my garden was a hose bib. That first year was terrible. I think I wasted way more water than necessary.
This little contraption by Orbit in Salt Lake is heaven sent. I designed my drip line and then attached the timer. This one has a manual setting and an electronic setting. So, the hose is hooked up to the one on the right. I leave the one on the left open so I can use my water pail to mix up fertilizer. I try to just use compost but sometimes a few plants need an extra boost. This is so handy. And can I use the term, GREEN? I waste much less water thanks to the drip line and timer. I can easily adjust times as I see the need. I learned my lesson this year - don't place outside until after June 1st or even later. They will crack and the batteries will leak if they freeze.
My potatoes are doing quite well. I guess I could dig up a few for new potatoes for tin foil dinners. I learned a trick for planting these. Last year I did two rows. This year I planted on each side of the drip line about 12 inches apart and alternated so they are in a zigzag if you drew lines between them. One row and twice as many potatoes. So far, so good. I learned this technique from square foot gardening.
Any idea what these are? Onions going to seed. Last year one went to seed and I harvested the seeds, planted the seeds, saw them sprout, grow, and placed them in the garden. Leave one or two plants in the garden to go to seed next year. My green bunching onions are doing the same thing. Fewer seeds to buy equals money in my pocket!
And I'm learning to love clematis. It's time to build a trellis to fill my back wall behind the garage. These plants are taking off! Last year I saw one bloom on this plant. This year there are dozens of 6 inch blooms all over this vine.

Maybe I'll post my before and after pics next. As in last week and this week. It's amazing what a little heat will do.