Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Proof that we live in the middle of nowhere

Well, not really proof but you get the idea.  We sit smack in the middle of an alfalfa field.  Which is quiet until the hay gets cut and it's grasshopper season.  I cringe just thinking about it.

This made my heart swell with joy.  

After homework my son asked if he could help his dad mow the lawn before shower time.  

He pretty much took over.  

I never mow the lawn.  I've mowed once since Tyler and I married.  That was over a decade ago.  It's just one of those things he keeps track of and gets done and he does it well.  And I'm so short that with our hills here, I don't know if I could actually mow this yard and survive. 


Unknown said...

What great pictures! And I cringe thinking about grasshoppers :-O Your live in a beautiful spot!!

Unknown said...

THese pictures are great! I cringe thinking of grasshoppers too :O You live in a beautiful spot Laura!!