So Haeley gets to read 1 chapter book a day. They range from 30 to 60 minutes long. This is in addition to the Advance Reader books. She's been reading a lot of the Magic Treehouse books. LOVE THEM, by the way. They are interesting, educational, and after 34 books I am only just beginning to get sick of the fact that the wind started to blow, the treehouse started to spin, then everything was still, absolutely still. Anyway, after every 15 books she gets to report on a continent or major body of water. Right now it's the Pacific Ocean. She has to share at least 5 facts about something to do with the ocean, it's sea life, or water itself. So being such a girl, she chose Seahorses. Who can blame her? Those pigmy seahorses are darling! So I surfed the internet. Clipped a few facts and a few free photos and created this scrapbook page. I had her add the words onto the page. Then we printed it. I had her read it to me twice. And now she is ready to give her report tomorrow.
Thank You Sonya and Stephen for the hand carved wooden elephant from Ghana. I carefully packed it and she took it to school and gave a report on Africa a few weeks ago.
And if you want the cute digital paper set I used, it's that latest and greatest from
Summertime Designs. And all her stuff is free, well except the one you can make a donation to help a family with a baby girl who has cancer.