Sunday, July 06, 2008

3 things

Often I wonder if my kids are really picking up on what goes on at church. Coleton is finally starting to show signs that he is learning from church and from the things we do at home. He like to say dinner prayer now. It's so sweet. I say "please bless the food" he says 'foos" and then waits for me to help him with the next thing. So today at church during sacrament meeting during the last hymn of the meeting he picks up a hymnal and opens it - upside down - and starts to sing while getting pretty close to being in tune and singing every 4th or 5th word. It was darling. Tyler and I just smiled.

Second thing - remember this past week when we went swimming at a neighbor's house along with most of the neighbors. Now I knew that she invited us because Haeley asked her weekly at church once things thawed out here. And my kids stayed in the water to the last second. They wouldn't even let us help clean up, although we did what we could. So today we gave them a Thank You card that I had made. I love making them and it just took about 2 minutes to print and write a little note and seal it in the envelope. I handed it to her before church got started. She came up to me after church and said that in all the years they have had that pool and with the hundreds of people they've invited over, mine was the first Thank You card she ever received. Now I know we shouldn't and she doesn't do things expecting a thank you and she did receive verbal thank you's. But can you believe that? All the work she goes through each time and they've had that pool at least 2 or 3 decades. It made me realize just how important thank you CARDS really are. It touched her heart. I need to continue to show my gratitude to others because it can and does make a difference, even if just for the day.

Last of all, I just got my new visiting teaching assignment and I am excited. A huge burden has been lifted there and I really hope that I can get to know these sisters and enjoy being around them. I have a great group of women that I get to go visit including one who I've just gotten to know at church and really like.


Trishelle said...

How sweet! Colton sounds like a darling little boy!

I appreciate your story about thank you cards....they are so important. Wasn't it Neil A. Maxwell who coined the phrase 'attitude of gratitude'? Way to go! It shows you are looking outside the box.

Unknown said...

I am happy for your new assignment too. That was a way crazy story you told me. Hhhhmmmm I better go write a few thank you cards right now...