Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Harvest Monday - February 6, 2012

I have been using grow lights for the first time and I really like them! It's nice that they are on an automatic timer otherwise I probably would not like them so much. 

So far my onions are doing really well.  They are in the window sill behind my couch because I'm trying to get another light that I can raise up high.  The only problem is that no one has them in stock. I went to the bulk seed store and purchased all of the seeds I'll need for the year. Potatoes come in the end of March so I'll have to wait for those. 

So here is my Romaine Lettuce:

 They are shorter and greener under these lights. I'm thinking that's a big plus!

I have another type of lettuce to grow as well but I want to plant it a month after these so that I have a little rotation going.  It's a type that grows well even in the early summer months.

One the left is a Michihili Cabbage sprout.  It's an heirloom Chinese cabbage. I've never grown it before but I love Moo Goo Gai Pan and I think this would be a much better idea that dutch round ball head cabbage.  Although that little dark green sprout right above the OT in blogspot is a dutch round ball head cabbage.  I wanted to grow what was left of those seeds and it looks like we'll get at least one cabbage out of it.  

A little better view of the michihili chinese cabbage sprout. If you look closely you can see two little white specs in two other starter pots. It seems to start easier than the other cabbages I've tried. It always keeps gardening interesting when growing something new.  You have to watch it more closely and learn more about its habits the first year or two. 

Anyone else grown chinese cabbage before? Any tips?

This weekend I planted:
Green Onions
Michihili Cabbage

Go check out Harvest Monday at Daphne's Dandelions.  So many gardeners from all over the world growing veggies! It's fun to watch.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Good luck on your plants! I need to start planting a few starters soon, too.
