Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I decided to pick the pumpkins before the pest control guy arrived just incase. Good news - I walked up to the garden and only got hit by a few grasshoppers rather than hundreds. I really want to freeze a little pumpkin this year.  Gluten free cake tastes so much better when it includes more flavorful items such as pumpkin and the spices that make it so delicious. As you can see I have 6 more Spirit Bush Pumpkins than I did the other day and one new Pump-Ke-Mon pumpkin (picked 3 more today).  And yes, I made that banner on the mantle.  I love Adobe Illustrator because it enhances my ability to make all sorts of crafts.  Of course, if you have a handy tool that makes making those rosettes easier I'd love to know.  Wow! That took a while.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE fall and pumpkins and your house :)