Saturday, August 06, 2011

catching up with the rest

Peppers - it looks like my peppers are doing pretty well this year.  They do need to be staked up and I'll get around to that soon.  I need to make a trip to the hardware store.  

And even with the hot weather they are starting to bud.  I have a few bell peppers already showing up but the jalapenos are taking their time.

 The fern leaf dill is going crazy.  My husband pulled up two of them because he thought they were dyers woad.  I can see the resemblance except that Dyers Woad is black this time of year and doesn't smell as good.  

The nice thing about planting basil next to the tomatoes is that the horn worms hate it.  The bad thing is that the slugs are terrible this year and they LOVE basil.  Besides, all the rest of my basil has met with an early demise.  I want to get at least one batch of bruschetta please. Check out that link, it's an excellent recipe and their site is great, that is if you haven't fallen in love with it yet.

And the squash is finally growing. I love summer squash.  Grilled.

And the carrots are doing well.  The middle section of the row washed away in a heavy rainstorm so they are short than the outer edges.  But they are all growing well.

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