Saturday, January 22, 2011

In honor of ...

I had a few stressful days this week.  I found out that a friend from high school has cancer.  He's a father of 3 and so in love with his sweet wife.  He's also the bread winner.  As I shared my dismay with my husband  he held me in his arms and said that we know this will not be the last because if where I lived as a teen.  How right he was! The very next day I found out that another Dugway-ite had gone in for a biopsy and are going to be sending her back to the states to meet with an oncologist. Her daughter, a sweet friend just a few years younger, called me that afternoon and we cried together.  It's nice to be able to answer questions and help where I can. I was going to quit talking about my cancer this year.  I'll still talk less but enough so that I can help others.  It just seems like more and more young people are being effected than ever before. So I decided then and there to quit saving the fancy silverware my mom gave me my senior year of high school.  I pulled it out and washed it off.  The kids are excited to use it and we are happy to make every day a little bit more special.

And my little girl couldn't stand it.  She had to do something.  She got out the construction paper and markers and the stapler and got to work while I was busy ironing the huge pile of clothes I am behind on since surgery.  She made this for Mr. B and we'll be mailing it out Monday.  She knows he has 3 boys and she was concerned about them.  We are still trying to figure out what else we can do.  He is someone who has throw several fund raisers for friends in the past few years - one with cystic fibrosis and one with cancer I believe.  In the meantime we've called and added both friends to the prayer rolls.

I do have some good news.  My daughter is a sharp shooter.  We let her shoot my .22 single shot rifle and she hit the targets over and over again perfectly.  (She's got my aim that's for sure) And I'm almost done with my Oregon scrapbook.  Looks like it's going to take 2 volumes - my husband is one talented photographer.  Speaking of photography talent - you have go to see the photos of the Bald Eagle we spotted after target practice.  Good thing we took our cameras with us! It's right HERE.


Unknown said...

Laura that is soo sad and seriously makes my heart ache! My cousins cousin Jason is dying of cancer and is only 22 with a wife. Check his story out on my blog-Hope and Jason. I think you will do people so much good if you talk about it and share your story with them! Im so sorry for your friends :(

Mindy Blake said...

I'm so sorry for your friends. It must bring up pain and heartache for you and for that I'm sorry too. It is hard when friends are suffering but know that I love you and I'm here if you need to talk!