Tuesday, December 14, 2010


As you know on Dec 7th, I had major surgery.  I was really surprised to see stitches in my abdomen - just no as big as if everything had been done abdominally.  So I guess it is going to take the full 6 weeks of recovery. Anyway, the night I came home from the hospital I had to get up every 2 hours - Dr's orders. All night long my little girl coughed. 

The next morning my husband let her stay home from school while he took our son to preschool.  So I figured if she was sick enough to stay home, she needed to see a DR because she has been sick since the first week in November.  I figured bronchitis and they'd give her something to help her sleep and sleeping would help her heal.  My father in law took her in for me along with my note, insurance card, and payment.  Next thing I know her pediatrician calls me (I love that lady - she is amazing!).  

"Has your daughter ever been diagnosed with ASTHMA?"  
Uhm, no.  
"Well, I think she has cold weather asthma." 

I was stunned.  This caught me completely off guard.  I mean it totally made sense - I have asthma, my sister and brother both have it too.  I was diagnose this past summer with reactive airways.  So anyway, they sent her home with a chamber and inhaler.  She slept so peacefully. She's had a bit of a cough during the day- everyone encouraged us to get her to drink way more water and it's helped significantly.  Good news is that she can outgrow it.  No, the good news is that she can breath again.  I feel awful because she has had this ever since I can remember whenever the weather turned cold and cold medicines just didn't help. The humidifier helps only a little. But I can't change the past so here we are moving forward and making this a winter we can all enjoy more. 


Mindy Blake said...

Doctors are such a blessing! I am grateful that there are people with the knowledge and ability to diagnose problems and then help us fix them! So glad you were able to figure out how to help her! And don't beat yourself up, you are an AMAZING mom!

thejohnmfamily said...

3 of my kids have asthma, and the meds now are so amazing. When John was a kid they didn't have anything good, but between a couple of daily inhalers and an oral pill, they seem almost normal.