Sunday, May 02, 2010

We are expecting Baby Beeks!

After the baptism yesterday, and after the big lunch and small birthday party, I took some motrin and tried to get a nap.  My head was killing me.  I think it was a sinus headache all though I've never had one before. I've got plenty to do for my class at and need to be feeling well in order to get things done.  My in-laws came over to see if we still had a photo of Uncle Budd and Aunt Louise for her funeral on Tuesday.  She passed away this week at the age of 91.  We were discussing the mess on the front porch and we could only come up with one answer.

Then we headed out for a drive.  Everyone was bored.  I could have taken a nap but I knew I needed to spend time with my family since I've been so busy with work lately. We drove up Prov Canyon.  We saw wild turkeys, several deer, and the water falls.  

The turkeys were gone before we could get a photo but this guy just stood and stared at us when Tyler got out of the Jeep.  Then he started pawing the ground and pranced off with his ears in the air.  We were wondering if Tyler was going to get charged by this really tall deer. I've never seen anything like it before. 

So we drove up to the quarry.  The sun coming through the clouds was so beautiful! And then we drove back down.

So, I'm guessing you'd like to know what made the mess on my front porch and meet our Baby Beeks.  First meet Momma Beek. She has taken up residence in my wreath on my front door.  We're sort of short on trees around here, although we now have three baby trees - a maple, a peach, and an apple tree.

And her three little ones.  Now I know why there has been plenty of hay on my front porch, and why the berries keep falling off my wreath.  She's been tossing them! 
I can't believe she's come back after all of the traffic through our front door yesterday, but she has.  Good thing we mostly use our garage door.  And after the wind we have had this last week, this is definitely safer than any nest in a tree around here. I can hardly believe how intricate this nest is.  It's just one of many amazing creations.

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