Thursday, August 27, 2009

Las Vegas Baby - ok so it was for photography classes

So after photographing on the Green River, Tyler and I arrived home in time for me to wash everything and re-pack for my trip to Las Vegas for Skip's Summer School - a 4 day and very intense 8 am to 10 pm photography school. I really learned a lot, but missed the speaker I most wanted to hear. I spent the evening in the ER. We went to a place to grab dinner (I brought breakfast and lunch foods and snacks because of my food allergies - but without a place to cook my own food, I wasn't about to try dinner that way as well.) Anyway, I ordered a milkshake and asked them to make it a plain chocolate milkshake sans wheat/malt/ etc. Didn't happen and I went into anaphalactic shock and had be rushed to the ER. I couldn't swallow and it was so painful. Then I got so sick to my stomach from the shot of benedryl from the paramedics. And I was mortified to be surround by security in the middle of a busy restaurant - especially when I started to cry. Anyway, my roomie and new found friend Nancy stayed by my side even though I urged her to go to class. She was a true example of the Savior. I now carry epi-pens with me where ever I go, because if it can happen to me - it probably will. My goal is to keep it from happening whenever possible.

Needless to say, I found my reason for photographing again. I lost it somewhere about 4 years ago when my health became a challenge. I am slowly making progress on it and I am so excited I could jump out of my skin. It's going to be good. I'll keep you posted!

So here I am with my awesome Uncle Tony Dude who gave me a priesthood blessing in the ER. I couldn't be more grateful!


Marne said...

Wow! How scary. Glad it came out okay. You would think people fixing food would get it...when someone is allergic it is a serious thing.

Julie said...

That sounds scary.
I'm the person who designed Marne's blog, so if you'd like to contact me, drop me a line at
kjules701 at gmail dot com