Friday, April 10, 2009

Home at last - it was a long drive with it's unexpected twists and turns. But Orlando was beautiful for the 3 hours I was there. The wind was insane. It was with us the entire drive and even made me a little nervous at take off as the plane twisted back and forth before finally getting off the ground. Instead of 35 hours, it took 42 hours of driving and in 3.5 days. We were tired. We listened to the New Moon audio book and then read Peace Giver - quite the contrast. My mom had fun with HK and Tyler's mom had fun with CJ. I never thought I would actually drive across the United States again. I was 12 the last time we did that (from Ft. Rucker, Alabama to Ft. Richardson, AK - stopping in Texas to see Grandparents and then San Diego to see Aunts and Uncles on up to Seattle to see more relatives and then up to Anchorage.) This time we didn't travel quite as far and I was with my husband instead of my parents and brother and sister. Needless to say, I am glad to be home!

States and Cities along the way - I'd like to see Chattanooga, Tennessee again - probably in the fall


sorry, this one is not quite done. I am waiting for a photo of Orlando. Anyone got a title idea? I'm fresh out!

The End

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